Navigating Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D
Navigating Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D From October 15th to December 7th, customers aged 65 and older will be reviewing their medical coverage and health care needs, including Medicare Part D plans. The detailed information needed for 2021 (premiums, copays,...
Finding Profits in Vitamins & Supplements
Finding Profits in Vitamins & Supplements Nutrition and vitamin supplement sales are a big pill to swallow – and a profitable one, say health care market researchers. According to Hamacher Resource Group, supplement market value in the retail sector reached...
Refreshing Your Pharmacy on a Budget
Refreshing Your Pharmacy on a Budget When was the last time you spruced up your pharmacy? I’m sure your answer may come as a surprise. Updates do not have to break the bank. Fortunately, there are quite a few updates you can apply to your pharmacy that will make...
Building A Strong Pharmacist-Customer Relationship
Building A Strong Pharmacist-Customer Relationship A pharmacist’s relationship with their customers plays a defining role in how their pharmacy is perceived as a valuable resource. Independent pharmacists want their patients to feel comfortable and their pharmacy to...