Healthy Living and Your Pharmacy
Healthy Living and Your Pharmacy Social distancing and stay at home orders have given us the motivation to get fit and healthy. More than ever people are outside bike riding, walking, jogging, and rollerblading (while safely maintaining the 6ft rule). As an...
Purr-fecting Pet Health in Your Pharmacy
Purr-fecting Pet Health in Your Pharmacy You’ve heard the terms – Dog Dad, Cat Mom, Fur Babies – these titles are clear indicators on how much the owner and pet role has changed in your patient’s household. In 2019, Americans spent more than 75 billion on...
Diving into the Social Sphere: Is Your Pharmacy Ready to Take the Plunge?
When you think of running an independent pharmacy, social media probably isn’t high up on your list. However, while social media isn’t as important as maintaining your inventory, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for growing and maintaining your business. If your...